Friday, April 10, 2009

What Can YOU Give Your Mentor?

Finding a great mentor is like the Quest for the Holy Grail. You know what you seek, but does it want you?

A mentor who can help reveal the secrets to thier success, thus injecting your mind with the same serum of success. The people you aim to have as mentors are usually behind layers of people from a receptionist, to an administrative assistant, to a personal assistant. I’m going to suggest a potent way to get these busy people’s attention.

In our world, you never get something for nothing. Even those timeshare tricks of getting you to stay at their resort for free, take half your day sequestered in their sales pitch room. Your time and attention was the trade-off for an afternoon poolside.

Your first question may be 'I’m early in my career path, what do I have to offer.' The winners in life are the imaginative. I am not saying winners are liars. Winners realized each person has unique gifts. You need to know how to tap into your unique power that can help those older and more established than you.

I am 37. I meet 100's of twenty-somethings yearly. I love talking to them. The reason why is they have insight on their generation's psyche, a generation almost 2 decades younger than me. Their generation will be the consumers and leaders of the future. I value the insight young minds, your young mind, for it gives me a path to better relating to their peers.

Do you see the value in being a teenager, a twenty-something? You know your group. You are soaked in with the Facebook, MySpace, and texting mentality. Any business owner needs insight to the minds of young consumers who will soon be power consumers. That’s what you offer to the older generation of business people.

So seek a mentor with the heart of helping them first. They will be ingratiate to you for your time and insights. The doors are then open for two way communication. Good luck. I’m waitng for you on the other side baby!

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